If you can’t block the game, simply turn off your Internet cable to play.For default Windows Firewall check this video: Both inbound and outbound connections must be blocked.

Otherwise it will crash right after you try to start a new campaign EXE ( GearGameBinariesUWP64GearGame.exe) from the Internet. You either create a new subfolder, like “GOW4” or use any existing folder Upon the first launch the game will ask you for folder to keep saves in.If the crack still doesn’t work – something is off with reqirements listed above: Windows version, dev.mode, etc.After the crack applied, GoW4 will appear on your Start Menu – you can drag the game to desktop and make a shortcut icon.If you unckecked the option, you must run the crack manually from the desktop icon.If you don’t uncheck the option in the installer, the crack will automatically apply after final files verification.My installer tries to turn it on automatically, but if fails, make sure to turn it on manually Developer Mode must be turned on your OS.Windows virtualization (Hyper-V Support) must be set off either in OS settings and/or in BIOS.Windows Store, Xbox and Xbox Identity applications must be installed for crack to work Make sure you have Windows 10 圆4, build 1607 or later.Running the Game - Complete Instructions: