A DVD is included that features before-and-after drawings of all the tutorials and plenty of great examples from AutoCAD professionals.

From there, the book covers so much in-depth material on AutoCAD that it is said that even Autodesk employees keep this comprehensive book at their desks. It begins with a Quick Start tutorial, so you start creating right away. This top-selling book has been updated by AutoCAD guru and author Ellen Finkelstein to provide you with the very latest coverage of both AutoCAD 2012 and AutoCAD LT 2012. You are unable to draw sketches on Mesh faces, or. Without the Mesh Enabler, STL files come into Inventor as mesh entities, which are not really much use to the user. This tool is brilliant, essentially, it allows users to convert files like STL's into solid or surface models. The latest version of this perennial favorite, in-depth, reference-tutorial In today's blog post, we are going to look at the Mesh Enabler.